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Tutwiler's performance was both professional and effective beyond my reasonable exceptions. I believe I am a competent judge of Mr. Tutwiler's performance in as much as I have been a qualified lawyer for over 50 years. I can recommend Mr. Tutwiler without reservation to anyone who sustains property damage. Referring Attorney

Expert Public Adjusters Help Attorneys & CPA's

A loss to either real and/or personal property regardless if covered by insurance often involves a financial loss that includes significant legal and financial issues. Our experience has been that individual homeowners, community associations, corporations and small businesses will often turn to trusted financial and legal advisors for help or recommendations on the next steps they should take to get their lives and business on a path to recovery.

Professionals in the legal and accounting fields understand the detail and specific knowledge required when utilizing experts who deal in these matters on a daily basis. Certainly one not trained in legal matters would not go to court to represent themselves, nor would one argue and present a case before the IRS without accounting training. Tutwiler & Associates has a long history of assisting attorneys, CPAs, and their clients at their time of a loss. Not only has our firm represented lawyers’ clients, we have also been hired by attorneys in their own loss, be it personal or professional as in fire or water damage to their firm's property.

At Tutwiler& Associates we believe it is important that a person sustaining a loss have as much knowledge and information as possible. We understand the value of your client relationship and demand the same standards of excellence that your clients come to expect from you. Our knowledge and reputation in the public adjusting community and among professionals is unmatched and we are honored to receive referrals from both large and single practice firms.

In the legal area, our work product on property damages has proven to be of great benefit in legal disputes where an insurance company is challenging a coverage issue.  We often hear a compliment that damages have been agreed to in a lawsuit due to the fair and factual documentation of our damage estimates.

Having been certified as an expert in U.S. Federal Court as well as Florida State Courts, we have been retained as experts in legal cases involving disputes between policyholders and their insurance company. While not widely publicized, we are pleased and honored to have been retained by some insurance companies in a few select cases over the years most of which have quickly settled once our involvement is known.

Our firm has worked alongside CPA professionals in many areas including business interruption, extra expense, and other areas that include financial losses that go hand-in-hand with insurance policies and the losses they cover. You will appreciate our attention to detail and the understanding of the importance of information you require. 

Since 1984, Attorneys and CPA’s have turned to or referred their clients to Tutwiler & Associates.  As experienced public adjusters, we understand the claims process and have all the resources to help your clients recover their claim.  Our knowledge of the insurance policy, claims process, and field experience have yielded us a longstanding positive reputation in the industry. 

We pride ourselves on obtaining the maximum claims settlement under the policy provisions so your clients can be paid to recover as quickly as possible. Feel free to give us a call at 813-412-8357 or contact us to discuss how we can work as a team to the benefit of your clients. 


FAQs About Attorneys and CPA's

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Yes, in fact in large complex cases we feel a team approach can benefit our mutual client. Often times the insurance company will have retained legal council either in the background or on the record. To even the playing field you should have your team made up of a professional public adjuster and your legal council. 

Individuals and business owners all seem to focus on the policy limits in their insurance policy. Once they hit that number they stop the accounting and documentation process. A loss needs to be fully documented. Presented to a CPA in a professional manner, it may have some tax benefits in the form of an uninsured casualty tax deduction.  

Good sound advice from an attorney who is familiar with your business can be extremely important. Not only will you have issues regarding the your future business operations, but there are likely many legal issues involved with contract you have with customers, suppliers, and others who depend on your business for their livelihood. 

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Local Office

Tutwiler & Associates Public Adjusters, Inc.
Licensed Public Insurance Adjusters & Loss Consultants
Offices: Tampa, Orlando, Palm City, Florida; Dallas, TX; Pittsburgh, PA

Executive Office
4300 W. Cypress St.
Suite 780
Tampa, FL 33607
Phone: 813.287.8090
Toll Free: 800.321.4488

Licensed in Florida # W840088 &
Texas #1399706 plus 16 other states
and the Virgin Islands