Entries for September 2012
Tropical Storm Debby slammed the west coast of Florida on June 24, 2012, bringing heavy wind and rain resulting in wide-spread flooding. The Palm of Madeira Resort Condominium Association hired public adjuster Michael Platts of Tutwiler & Associates based upon prior contacts resulting from a previous loss.
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Sagatom Business Inc. owns a mini-mart operating in Wimauma, FL along with other locations. The owners were referred to public adjuster Michael Platts of Tutwiler & Associates to help with the insurance claim two days after a fire loss.
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Mr. Richard Spenceley, owner of R.C. Spenceley Inc., owned and occupied a multi-story commercial building in the harbor of St. Thomas. A vacant building next door caught fire and resulted in significant damaged from fire, smoke, and water damage to their business personal property. Upon learning of the extensive damages incurred and the complexity of the claim, the Spenceleys realized they needed professional adjusting help and called Tutwiler & Associates to fly down and represent them in their claim with their insurance company.
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