A Tradition of Giving

A Tradition of Giving

So proud of our very own Florida Public Adjuster, Michael Platts who took time out of his busy holiday schedule to play Santa and deliver his yearly childrens' gifts to Metropolitan Ministries in Tampa. It's been a busy storm season for all of us this past year. We want everyone of our readers to have a safe and healthy holiday and look forward with hope to the new year.

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Practical Advice from a Public Adjuster to Avoid Tampa Bay Tornado Insurance Claim Mistakes

Practical Advice from a Public Adjuster to Avoid Tampa Bay Tornado Insurance Claim Mistakes

The EF2 tornado that started in Pinellas Park and touched down several times all the way through Polk County will have many filing property insurance claims. The industrial claim damage will be especially complicated given property damage, business interruption and inventory loss issues that will arise. As a local Tampa Bay public adjusting firm serving the area since 1984 we are ready to assist policyholders with their claims. Here are some tips and common mistakes to avoid while preparing yourself for the insurance claim process.

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Eta Insurance Claims – A Public Adjuster Shares Some Commonsense Advice

Eta Insurance Claims – A Public Adjuster Shares Some Commonsense Advice

Tropical Storm Eta has left thousands of residential and commercial property owners with water, flood and wind insurance claims – a process they’ve never had to deal with before. Insurance claim disputes are bound to occur. To deal with these perils it behooves property owners to keep their eye on the ball or in this case the money. High percentage hurricane deductibles are being applied and many folks may be surprised that despite their wind or hurricane coverage, they may be out of pocket for mitigation and replacement costs.

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Dealing with Flood Insurance Claims After Eta

Dealing with Flood Insurance Claims After Eta

As flooding from Tropical Storm Eta unfolds, thousands of businesses and homeowners who never considered the possibility, will be dealing with water and flood damage. Our Tampa headquarters office phones are already buzzing. In order to offer assistance to our readers, I asked my talented staff of public adjusters to share some of the best tips they could think of for handling a flood claim. The following are some claim tips that hopefully will help folks should they have flood coverage or windstorm damage.

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Insurance Claim Tips as Hurricane Eta Approaches Tampa Bay

Insurance Claim Tips as Hurricane Eta Approaches Tampa Bay

There is no escaping the property damage that Hurricane Eta will cause to the Tampa Bay region. This type of storm can throw off tornadic activity and pockets of heavy wind gusts. As a result, thousands of homeowners may be contacting their insurance company to file an insurance claim. Resources are likely to be stretched and frustration with claims will grow as our public insurance adjusters have seen with past storms. We want everyone to stay safe and also be in a condition to recover as best they can. If you experience property damage from Hurricane Eta, here are a few claim tips for filing your insurance claim that will make the process easier and possibly protect your claim from denial or other problems, especially if you have to evacuate.

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Tutwiler represents major retailers after Westshore fire and smoke damage

Tutwiler represents major retailers after Westshore fire and smoke damage

Proud to be representing retailer insurance claims at Westshore Plaza after fire forces evacuation. Trying to get things settled without further complications.  https://www.wfla.com/news/hillsborough-county/escalator-fire-forces-evacuations-at-westshore-plaza/1966197558

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Tis the Season for Giving

Tis the Season for Giving

Happy New Year to all our readers! Before the holiday season gets past us, I want to commend Florida Public Adjuster, Michael Platts who embodies the spirit of holiday giving. For several years, Mike has donated to Metropolitan Ministries in Tampa. This year, after being alerted that the they were in need of gifts for young teens, Mike donated 30+ mixed media art supply sets and made some kids and their family’s holiday. Giving back has always been a hallmark if Mike’s personality. Thank you Mike!  

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Public Insurance Adjusters Helping to Educate Policyholders prior to Hurricane Season

We're happy to help policyholders understand the role of Public Insurance Adjusters in the claims process and be part of WFLA TV8's 2018 Hurricane season storm preparation and disaster planning programming. Click below to see interview or here if you do not see the image.

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Policyholder Question – Applying Overhead to Your Insurance Claim

Policyholder Question – Applying Overhead to Your Insurance Claim

The following is an insurance claim question we answered for a policyholder through the United Policyholders Ask an Expert Forum.

Q. Is it customary for restoration contractors to charge for 3 triple (cleaning, vacuuming, and/or anti-microbial) treatments in their remediation estimates ?

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Policyholder Question – How can I get the insurance company to expedite my claim?

Policyholder Question – How can I get the insurance company to expedite my claim?

The following is an insurance claim question we answered for a policyholder through the United Policyholders Ask an Expert Forum.

Q. I made several requests for different reimbursements after a fire for things like mileage, replacement of computer equipment, and laundry expenses. I made the request two months ago and provided all necessary documentation. This is taking way too long. What can I do?

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"On Property" Insurance Claim Tips Blog

Tips and advice about how to properly file and protect your property damage insurance claim and get a fair settlement. We invite all readers to ask questions about their claim so our public adjusters can post answers for others to benefit. Insurance claim expert guest bloggers welcome to submit posts via our contact form.


#HurricaneSally#law and ordinance50% ruleActual Cash ValueAdditional Living Expensesadjuster licensingAdjuster Michael PlattsApartment DamageAppraisalAssignment of BenefitsBad FaithBahamas AdjusterBankBest Public Adjusterblack waterBuilt to LastBusiness Interruptioncar crash into buildingCaribbean Public AdjusterCatastrophe InsuranceCeiling CollapseChattanooga tornadoCitizens Insuranceclaimclaim delayclaim denialClaim Paymentclaim settlementclaimsClaims AdjusterClaims Tipscollapse claimCommercial ClaimCommunity SupportCondo associationsCondominium ClaimsConsumer ProtectionContents DamageContractor EstimatesCovid ClaimDamage AssessmentDeductibledenied claimDepartment of Financial ServicesDepreciationDisaster Planningdock damagedorian adjusterElectrical damageelectrical fireFEMA FloodFIGAFirefire claimsFloodflood adjusterFlood claimFlood DamageFlood DamageFlood Damage RestorationFlood FilingFlood InsurancefloodadjusterFlorida Property InsuranceFlorida public adjusterfrank fortsonfrozen gutterfrozen pipesHail Damagehome Inventory ValuationHomewowners be AwareHurricanehurricane claimsHurricane DamageHurricane DebbyHurricane DorianHurricane EtaHurricane FlorenceHurricane HarveyHurricane HeleneHurricane HenriHurricane HermineHurricane IanHurricane IdaHurricane IdaliaHurricane IrmaHurricane LauraHurricane MatthewHurricane MichaelHurricane MiltonHurricane NicoleHurricane SallyHurricane Season 2018ice damageice damsindependent adjusterInspectionInsuranceInsurance AdjusterInsurance ClaimInsurance Claim TipsInsurance ClaimsInsurance CoverageInsurance LitigationInsurance PolicyInsurance Rate IncreasesInsurance RecoveryInsurance Reforminsurance settlementinsurance umpireJean Eagleshamlasthousestandinglaw & ordinanceLightning Damageloss adjusterLoss Assessormanaged repairMediationMike StabileMoldMold DamageMortgageNashville adjusterNashville public adjusterNashville StrongNashville tornadoNatural DisastersNFIPNick ChaseNorth Carolina AdjusterOrlando Public Adjusteroverhead & profitPanama City Public AdjusterPanhandle FloodingPensacola public adjusterPinellas TornadoPipe Burstpipe leakPittsburgh Claims AdjusterPittsburgh loss adjusterPittsburgh Public AdjusterPittsburgh tornadoplumbing leakPolicyholders Firstpollution claimPower Outage Insurance ClaimPreferred ContractorsPreLossPrivate Adjusterproof of lossProperty Damageproperty damage adjusterproperty insurance appraisalProperty Insurance ClaimProperty Insurance RatesPublic AdjusterRepairsresort insurance claimRestorationrestoration contractorRick TutwilerRoofRoof DamageRoof InspectionRoof RepairRoof ReplacementSandy FloodSarasota Public AdjusterSettlement CheckSewer Back-upSewer DamageShower leakSinkholeSinkhole AdjusterSinkhole ClaimSinkhole Damagesmoke damageSouth Carolina AdjusterSt. Augustine public adjusterStorm Damagestructural damagesubrogationSuperstorm SandySurplus Lines InsuranceTampa Public AdjusterTampa Tornadotemporary housingTennessee adjusterTexas Public AdjusterThe Last House StandingTheftThird PartyTornadoTornado adjusterTornado ClaimsTornado DamageTornado HelpTropical Storm ElsaUmpireunattended death claimVacation Home Damage ClaimVandalismWaterWater DamageWater LeakWINDwind damagewindstorm insuranceWindstorm insurance networkwinter stormZachary Flora

Local Office

Tutwiler & Associates Public Adjusters, Inc.
Licensed Public Insurance Adjusters & Loss Consultants
Offices: Tampa, Orlando, Palm City, Florida; Dallas, TX; Pittsburgh, PA

Executive Office
4300 W. Cypress St.
Suite 780
Tampa, FL 33607
Phone: 813.287.8090
Toll Free: 800.321.4488

Licensed in Florida # W840088 &
Texas #1399706 plus 16 other states
and the Virgin Islands