Hurricane Season – Don’t let your guard down

Hurricane Season – Don’t let your guard down

This is the time of year that we all start casting an eye on the tropics as the hurricane season ramps up and the chances of severe storms increases. Tampa Bay is particularly vulnerable to severe damage because it has been such a long time since we experienced a severe hurricane. Out of code buildings will be devastated in such a storm. A recent report in the Washington Post titled Tampa Bay’s Coming Storm outlines in detail the carnage that could occur in Tampa Bay from a direct hit. And a recent report in the Tampa Bay Business Journal reinforces the ticking time bomb indicating 460,000 properties are at risk from storm surge. Unfortunately, it’s too late to take action after the storm and we’ve all seen the insurance claim mess that has occurred in other areas hit by severe storms.

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Big Money Losses and the 50% Rule. Law & Ordinance Explained

Big Money Losses and the 50% Rule.  Law & Ordinance Explained

Almost two months into the 2017 hurricane season, most of the pundits have upgraded the likely number of tropical storms we can expect in the Atlantic basin this year. Of course, these experts can never tell us when and where the storms will impact a particular geographic area, but what we all can do is prepare as best we can based on the location of the property at risk. Just as the mantra for successful real estate investment is location, location, location the same applies in a disaster recovery plan. Know your location, the risk you are exposed to and understand the exposure you are facing.

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Hurricane Disaster Planning 2017 - Suggestions from an insurance claim expert

Hurricane Disaster Planning 2017 - Suggestions from an insurance claim expert

“Recovery from a hurricane is a difficult, long term process,” says Craig Fugate, former FEMA National Emergency Management Director. Listening to all the pundits talk and write about  2017 hurricane disaster planning, I was reminded about the former big Wall Street brokerage firm, E. F. Hutton and their tag line that ran with commercials some years ago. It went like this, “When E. F. Hutton talks, people listen.”

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Floods, Water Losses and Money

Floods, Water Losses and Money

There were a number of articles over the course of the last few weeks that focused my attention back to the water peril.  Spring storms in the middle section of the country with the severe floods that always seem to follow; global warming issues being reported almost daily with the threat of rising sea levels; and then this recent article, Flood recovery meeting set in White Sulphur Springs  from The Herald-Dispatch in West Virginia, that announced meetings with various officials to try and provide updates to the folks in southern West Virginia who were affected by last year’s floods in the mountain state. 

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Florida’s aging population and preparing for the next big natural disaster

Last week I got a call from a writer based in Florida who is doing an article for the AARP Magazine (American Association of Retired People). The reporter was doing research to coordinate information that may be useful to folks whom may have the unfortunate experience of suffering through a catastrophic event that many of us in the insurance claims business have dealt with for our entire professional careers. The article, I am told, will be focused on how to prepare for and survive a natural disaster and other catastrophic events for this unique population of folks who are 55 years young and older.

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Hurricane Season 2016 – Increased Threat Forecast

Hurricane Season 2016 – Increased Threat Forecast

If not here, then where? Not to be an alarmist but I assume most folks who pay attention to the weather folks as well as the local and national news likely would not have missed the most recent update from NOAA on their forecast for the balance of this year’s hurricane season. Yes, the tropical storms count just went up, as it seems a number of factors that are monitored and used to help weather experts calculate risk exposure from tropical storms are causing concerns in that the balance of this season will be more active in terms of tropical storms as well as the potential for one or more major hurricanes. All this begs the question: Will landfall occur causing damages not seen in Florida since 2005?

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The Benefits of Pre-Loss Property Insurance Claim Preparation and Disaster Planning

The Benefits of Pre-Loss Property Insurance Claim Preparation and Disaster Planning

Some of our most savvy clients understand just how important it is to have an experienced Public Adjuster on their team even before a property loss occurs.  Some of our clients have been extremely fortunate to never have sustained a property loss but have nonetheless educated themselves to prepare or have heard the horror stories of others who have endured the insurance claim process. At Tutwiler & Associates Public Adjusters, we’ve created a program just for this purpose called: Disaster First Recovery Services

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Support United Policyholders

Support United Policyholders
One group we would like all our professional colleagues to be aware of is United Policyholders, a non-profit organization whose mission is to educate and advocate for property insurance policyholders. Whenever there is a major weather or disaster event, like the recent California wild fires, they are there to answer questions and lend a hand with disaster recovery assistance. We are proud to be a Platinum Sponsor and welcome the opportunity to be part of the expert panel that helps to answer policyholder questions. We urge all of our colleagues to consider helping this organization, so they can do more to educate and protect policyholders. 
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Windstorm Forecasting - National Hurricane Center predictions with Tropical Storm Erika drawing criticism

Windstorm Forecasting - National Hurricane Center predictions with Tropical Storm Erika drawing criticism

An excellent Tampa Bay Times article, Did the National Hurricane Center Flub Erika? aired some of the discord between the National Hurricane Center folks and others, some of whom are well-respected meteorologists.  The chief complaint seems to be that the reported track of the storm varied considerably as Erika moved up from the Caribbean. As a result, this may have eroded the public’s confidence in future NHC modeling and predictions not to mention set in motion a lot of costly emergency plans. When the Governor declares a state of emergency, things happen, costs are incurred and people’s lives are disrupted.  I suspect we may hear about the actual economic cost businesses and governments, state and local, incur when a state of emergency is declared.  If not published, I hope some enterprising reporter will dig this information out as it is news the public needs to know and should be out in the public domain. 

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Winter Storm Juno is Over – Get Ready for the Insurance Claims

Winter Storm Juno is Over – Get Ready for the Insurance Claims
While it seems most of the New York and New Jersey areas escaped major damage from the blizzard, folks in New England weren’t so lucky. We’re seeing reports of major flooding, coastal property damage, frozen pipe bursts and roof collapses from all the heavy snow will continue.  A couple of good articles that were just published Policyholders would be wise to read the articles below that were just published and offer tips on how to better navigate the insurance claims process. 
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"On Property" Insurance Claim Tips Blog

Tips and advice about how to properly file and protect your property damage insurance claim and get a fair settlement. We invite all readers to ask questions about their claim so our public adjusters can post answers for others to benefit. Insurance claim expert guest bloggers welcome to submit posts via our contact form.


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Tutwiler & Associates Public Adjusters, Inc.
Licensed Public Insurance Adjusters & Loss Consultants
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Suite 780
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Phone: 813.287.8090
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and the Virgin Islands