Public Insurance Adjuster Tips for Handling Your Hurricane Florence Flood Insurance Claim

Public Insurance Adjuster Tips for Handling Your Hurricane Florence Flood Insurance Claim

As the catastrophic flooding from Hurricane Florence unfolds, thousands of businesses and homeowners who never considered the possibility of dealing with flood damage will be investigating the claim process. We will be sending a team of adjusters to the Carolinas when authorities say it is safe to enter. So in order to offer assistance to our readers, I asked my talented staff of public adjusters to share some of the best tips they could think of for handling a flood claim. The following are some claim tips that hopefully will help folks should they have flood coverage or even windstorm damage.

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Hurricane Florence Flood Victims Need to Understand the Nuances of Flood Insurance Claims

Hurricane Florence Flood Victims Need to Understand the Nuances of Flood Insurance Claims

The catastrophic flood event expected from Hurricane Florence with widespread flooding on the Virginia, North and South Carolina coasts is bringing back bad memories from the debacle we went thru with Superstorm Sandy. For those who have flood insurance, we encourage you to review and pay close attention to your flood policy’s terms and conditions. The policies issued by the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) are unique because they fall under a Federal Government program with its own rules and regulations. Keep in mind that many private insurance companies resell and administer the NFIP policies.  So make sure you confirm if your flood policy falls under this program.

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Public Adjuster Interview - What you should Know About Your Flood Insurance Claim

Public Adjuster Interview - What you should Know About Your Flood Insurance Claim

Expert Public Adjuster Dick Tutwiler explains the importance of understanding the difference between flood and water damage property insurance claims.  What to do if you have both wind and water damage. What you need to know about flood insurance to avoid claim delays.

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Foundation Damage Caused by Hurricane Irma Flooding - Is it Covered?

Foundation Damage Caused by Hurricane Irma Flooding - Is it Covered?

Policyholders may be surprised to find that their flood claim for foundation damage is denied because the NFIP says the damage is caused by earth movement or settlement; even though the earth movement was caused by flood waters! Before I discuss this, let me remind the reader that each loss is fact specific to each property. You may have two homes or commercial buildings in close proximity to each other and the loss conditions from the same insured event may vary to the point where they impact the claim.

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Tips for Handling Your Hurricane Harvey Flood Claim from Public Insurance Adjusters

Tips for Handling Your Hurricane Harvey Flood Claim from Public Insurance Adjusters

I asked my talented staff of public adjusters to share some of the best tips they could think of for handling a flood claim. The following are some tips that hopefully will help folks should they have flood coverage.

Flood Damage Claim Tips

  1. Take photographs of all damaged content items including discarded objects, structural damage you intend to claim.
  2. Make a list of damaged or lost items by the room and include their date of purchase, value, and receipts.
  3. Take photographs of the water line (standing flood water levels) both inside and outside the residence. Note how long the water remained in the house if possible. 

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Hurricane Harvey Insurance Claims – Some Common Sense Advice from an Experienced Adjuster

Hurricane Harvey Insurance Claims – Some Common Sense Advice from an Experienced Adjuster

Our hearts go out to all the folks in Texas and Louisiana affected by Hurricane Harvey and the brave first responders risking their safety to assist others. Based on damage reports and our own public adjuster staff who are monitoring the situation, there is no doubt this event will rival Katrina and create insurance claim disputes unlike we’ve seen before. And if property damage wasn’t enough, the loss of power added misery to the mix.  To deal with these perils it behooves property owners to keep their eye on the ball or in this case the money. High percentage hurricane deductibles are being applied and many folks may be surprised that despite their wind or hurricane coverage, they may be out of pocket for the mitigation and replacement costs due to lack of flood coverage or exclusions for water - sewer back-up. 

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Floods, Water Losses and Money

Floods, Water Losses and Money

There were a number of articles over the course of the last few weeks that focused my attention back to the water peril.  Spring storms in the middle section of the country with the severe floods that always seem to follow; global warming issues being reported almost daily with the threat of rising sea levels; and then this recent article, Flood recovery meeting set in White Sulphur Springs  from The Herald-Dispatch in West Virginia, that announced meetings with various officials to try and provide updates to the folks in southern West Virginia who were affected by last year’s floods in the mountain state. 

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Public Adjuster Uses Good Property Insurance Adjusting Practices to Win a Fair Claim Settlement for Condominium Owners

Public Adjuster Uses Good Property Insurance Adjusting Practices to Win a Fair Claim Settlement for Condominium Owners

Ken and Joan spent their working lives in public service, Ken as an educator, and Joan as a nurse. It was their dream to have a vacation home in a warm climate so they purchased a condominium in Bonita Springs, Florida. A contractor error caused a pipe break in a unit above theirs and entirely flooded their home with hundreds of gallons of water. They were notified and drove down to Florida to inspect the damage and meet with their insurance company. That’s when the insurance claim problems began.

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Is Your Hurricane Matthew Mold Insurance Claim Covered?

Is Your Hurricane Matthew Mold Insurance Claim Covered?
Those who experienced any type of water intrusion from Hurricane Matthew rain and flooding may experience mold infiltration. When claims are delayed and repairs put on hold, it can become a real problem as mold can grow unseen for months and create a serious health hazard. In the past, mold damage claims were covered under most property insurance policies when it resulted from a covered peril, such as a sudden plumbing leak, fire control, storm or other cause covered under your policy. However, some insurance carriers have been removing or scaling back mold coverage from their policy forms regardless if it results from a covered peril. In some instances, the insurance companies offer limited coverage for mold and fungus for an additional premium payment. 
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Public Adjuster Offers Insurance Claim Advice to West Virginia Flood Victims

Public Adjuster Offers Insurance Claim Advice to West Virginia Flood Victims

Anticipating the 100 year flood event that occurred in my native southern West Virginia was the last thing on my mind when I wrote and published my recent blog Troubled Waters – Insurance Claims Under Attack, about the “Troubled Water Claims” phenomena we are currently experiencing in Florida. But given the fact that Florida’s water problems and West Virginia’s terrible flooding disaster have one common denominator - water, I thought it would be helpful and hopefully educational to distinguish a flood event versus a water loss since these terms are often misused in the property insurance world. In addition, for those who do have flood insurance, we want to share some knowledge and information in the form of tips from my firm’s extensive experience in water/flood losses including our most recent work handling Super Storm Sandy flood claims in New York.

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"On Property" Insurance Claim Tips Blog

Tips and advice about how to properly file and protect your property damage insurance claim and get a fair settlement. We invite all readers to ask questions about their claim so our public adjusters can post answers for others to benefit. Insurance claim expert guest bloggers welcome to submit posts via our contact form.


#HurricaneSally#law and ordinance50% ruleActual Cash ValueAdditional Living Expensesadjuster licensingAdjuster Michael PlattsApartment DamageAppraisalAssignment of BenefitsBad FaithBahamas AdjusterBankBest Public Adjusterblack waterBuilt to LastBusiness Interruptioncar crash into buildingCaribbean Public AdjusterCatastrophe InsuranceCeiling CollapseChattanooga tornadoCitizens Insuranceclaimclaim delayclaim denialClaim Paymentclaim settlementclaimsClaims AdjusterClaims Tipscollapse claimCommercial ClaimCommunity SupportCondo associationsCondominium ClaimsConsumer ProtectionContents DamageContractor EstimatesCovid ClaimDamage AssessmentDeductibledenied claimDepartment of Financial ServicesDepreciationDisaster Planningdock damagedorian adjusterElectrical damageelectrical fireFEMA FloodFIGAFirefire claimsFloodflood adjusterFlood claimFlood DamageFlood DamageFlood Damage RestorationFlood FilingFlood InsurancefloodadjusterFlorida Property InsuranceFlorida public adjusterfrank fortsonfrozen gutterfrozen pipesHail Damagehome Inventory ValuationHomewowners be AwareHurricanehurricane claimsHurricane DamageHurricane DebbyHurricane DorianHurricane EtaHurricane FlorenceHurricane HarveyHurricane HeleneHurricane HenriHurricane HermineHurricane IanHurricane IdaHurricane IdaliaHurricane IrmaHurricane LauraHurricane MatthewHurricane MichaelHurricane MiltonHurricane NicoleHurricane SallyHurricane Season 2018ice damageice damsindependent adjusterInspectionInsuranceInsurance AdjusterInsurance ClaimInsurance Claim TipsInsurance ClaimsInsurance CoverageInsurance LitigationInsurance PolicyInsurance Rate IncreasesInsurance RecoveryInsurance Reforminsurance settlementinsurance umpireJean Eagleshamlasthousestandinglaw & ordinanceLightning Damageloss adjusterLoss Assessormanaged repairMediationMike StabileMoldMold DamageMortgageNashville adjusterNashville public adjusterNashville StrongNashville tornadoNatural DisastersNFIPNick ChaseNorth Carolina AdjusterOrlando Public Adjusteroverhead & profitPanama City Public AdjusterPanhandle FloodingPensacola public adjusterPinellas TornadoPipe Burstpipe leakPittsburgh Claims AdjusterPittsburgh loss adjusterPittsburgh Public AdjusterPittsburgh tornadoplumbing leakPolicyholders Firstpollution claimPower Outage Insurance ClaimPreferred ContractorsPreLossPrivate Adjusterproof of lossProperty Damageproperty damage adjusterproperty insurance appraisalProperty Insurance ClaimProperty Insurance RatesPublic AdjusterRepairsresort insurance claimRestorationrestoration contractorRick TutwilerRoofRoof DamageRoof InspectionRoof RepairRoof ReplacementSandy FloodSarasota Public AdjusterSettlement CheckSewer Back-upSewer DamageShower leakSinkholeSinkhole AdjusterSinkhole ClaimSinkhole Damagesmoke damageSouth Carolina AdjusterSt. Augustine public adjusterStorm Damagestructural damagesubrogationSuperstorm SandySurplus Lines InsuranceTampa Public AdjusterTampa Tornadotemporary housingTennessee adjusterTexas Public AdjusterThe Last House StandingTheftThird PartyTornadoTornado adjusterTornado ClaimsTornado DamageTornado HelpTropical Storm ElsaUmpireunattended death claimVacation Home Damage ClaimVandalismWaterWater DamageWater LeakWINDwind damagewindstorm insuranceWindstorm insurance networkwinter stormZachary Flora

Local Office

Tutwiler & Associates Public Adjusters, Inc.
Licensed Public Insurance Adjusters & Loss Consultants
Offices: Tampa, Orlando, Palm City, Florida; Dallas, TX; Pittsburgh, PA

Executive Office
4300 W. Cypress St.
Suite 780
Tampa, FL 33607
Phone: 813.287.8090
Toll Free: 800.321.4488

Licensed in Florida # W840088 &
Texas #1399706 plus 16 other states
and the Virgin Islands