Hurricane Henri Update and Claim Damage Links - Public Insurance Adjusters Standby to Help You Obtain a Fair Settlement for Your Property Damage

Hurricane Henri Update and Claim Damage Links - Public Insurance Adjusters Standby to  Help You Obtain a Fair Settlement for Your Property Damage

There’s no question Long Islander’s & New Englanders endured their fair share of blizzards and wicked Nor’easters’, yet for some of our company’s public insurance adjusters who worked for northeastern clients 30-years ago after Hurricane Bob, it feels like yesterday. Making matters worse, Hurricane Henri is projected to make landfall at high tide and with a full moon and that may result in coastal flooding. Please prepare for potential days without power and stock-up sufficiently.

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Public Adjusters - The Policyholder's Champion

Public Adjusters - The Policyholder's Champion

We were so glad to be able to work with Tampa Bay Times seasoned reporter Philip Morgan to help educate the public regarding insurance claims and the value of having a public adjuster professionally manage the claim. Read here: The Policyholder's Champion in Tampa Bay

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How the insurance appraisal process might play a role in your Hurricane Sally claims settlement

How the insurance appraisal process might play a role in your Hurricane Sally claims settlement

We’ve seen anecdotal evidence that some insurance companies as well as adjusters are already talking to policyholders about invoking the Appraisal Clause in their property insurance policy. While appraisal can play an important role in the insurance claim settlement process, it is not for everyone and policyholders need to understand both the costs and limitations. We have several certified appraisers on our staff and one of the first things we do when asked to represent a client is to review the suitability based on the claim facts. Here is a Q&A I did for the media after Hurricane Michael (and now Hurricane Sally) to help policyholders better understand property damage Appraisal.

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Hiring a Tennessee Licensed Public Insurance Adjuster to Assist with your Tornado Claim

Hiring a Tennessee Licensed Public Insurance Adjuster to Assist with your Tornado Claim

The tornado in Nashville has caused major destruction and significantly impacted business & residential property owners. Our teams are actively engaged with property & business owners, working to help aid in the recovery claims process and are here to help you realize a fair settlement under your policy to help you recover and get your business and life back on its feet. Whenever major storm events like this occur a common question we get from callers is to explain what a Public Adjuster does and why they should hire one. Many callers have never had to deal with a property claim before and frankly have not heard of Public Adjusters. To avoid having our readers searching the web for these answers and hopefully the hype, I’ve placed the information we try to relay below.

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Policyholder Question – Is a Vacation Home Entitled to Additional Living Expenses (ALE)?

Policyholder Question – Is a Vacation Home Entitled to Additional Living Expenses (ALE)?

Q. If the home is a vacation home that is destroyed, are we entitled to ALE? The ALE coverage on the loss statement they sent us says zero but we are going to have to incur multiple airline trips and rental bills in order to set up demolition and then the complete rebuilding of our home. Hope you can help with this information.

A. Thank you for the question and just so you know this is a frequent problem for owners of second homes when there is a loss they must attend to. 

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Hurricane Dorian Should be a Wake-up Call to All

Our hearts and prayers go out to all those impacted by Hurricane Dorian. Preliminary reports indicate 13,000 structures destroyed and $25 billion in damage, not to mention the catastrophic flooding. As I’ve listened to all the anxious questions from callers concerned about Dorian and conferred with our Florida Public Adjuster professionals, one common theme prevailed.

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With the Passing of Hurricane Florence, Now Comes the Hard Part

With the Passing of Hurricane Florence, Now Comes the Hard Part

Hopefully folks in the Mid-Atlantic will survive this storm’s wrath with very minimal loss of life or injury, but even one death or serious injury is one to many. And remember serious injuries and death are not limited to the height of a storm. In fact, state and local officials are warning the communities affected, that rising water, flash flooding, storm debris, downed power lines, and wildlife of all sorts are on the move.

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Hurricane Irma Roof Damage - Repair or Replace?

Hurricane Irma Roof Damage - Repair or Replace?

As property owners with insurance claims resulting from Hurricane Irma start to receive settlement offers from their insurance company, our public insurance adjusters continue to field calls and questions from people still struggling through the insurance claims process. One question that frequently comes up involves how much roof damage there must be for the entire roof to be replaced.

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"On Property" Insurance Claim Tips Blog

Tips and advice about how to properly file and protect your property damage insurance claim and get a fair settlement. We invite all readers to ask questions about their claim so our public adjusters can post answers for others to benefit. Insurance claim expert guest bloggers welcome to submit posts via our contact form.


Local Office

Tutwiler & Associates Public Adjusters, Inc.
Licensed Public Insurance Adjusters & Loss Consultants
Offices: Tampa, Orlando, Palm City, Ft. Myers, Florida; Dallas, TX; Pittsburgh, PA

Executive Office
4300 W. Cypress St.
Suite 780
Tampa, FL 33607
Phone: 813.287.8090
Toll Free: 800.321.4488

Licensed in Florida # W840088 &
Texas #1399706 plus 16 other states
and the Virgin Islands