Flawed FEMA Insurance Claim Reviews and how Public Adjusters can Help

I am from the government and I am here to help you. The famous line from then presidential candidate Ronald Reagan claiming that the government is here to help you, will in my view always be remembered as the defining quote in his campaign that led to a conservative Republican victory and his election to this country’s highest office.  But that was then, what does it have to do with current events?
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What you don’t know, you don’t know! Lessons learned from the 2015 Windstorm Insurance Network Conference

What you don’t know, you don’t know!  Lessons learned from the 2015 Windstorm Insurance Network Conference
The 2016 Windstorm Insurance Conference at the Roosevelt Hotel in New Orleans was a huge success with 850 in attendance. The annual event is all about the best of the best in the property insurance industry that volunteer their time to teach and educate attendees on the latest trends. As a side benefit, the networking with leaders in their field is incalculable. Unlike many other forums around the country, this is the only one I am aware of where you encounter three or four faculty in a workshop all representing a different perspective.  Got questions, ask the panel--no issue or questions are off limits.
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Another Hurdle When Filing an Insurance Claim - The Civil Remedy Notice

I want to thank Florida Public Adjuster Michael Platts for penning this excellent commentary. 

By Michael W. Platts

I have recently been involved in three cases which bring up a very interesting yet disturbing trend. All three are relatively small insurance claims. In each case, the insurance carriers have chosen to deny these claims without (from my perspective) performing a fair, impartial, proper and thorough investigation.

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2015 Windstorm Insurance Network - New Orleans Conference

Just wanted to give the readers of our blog a heads-up that if you have not already done so, register now for the 2015 Windstorm Conference.  We are back in New Orleans again for Windstorms 16th Annual Conference and as I recall from our last conference in New Orleans (pre Hurricane Katrina) New Orleans was a great venue with lots to do and there is always a lot to learn from the faculty who will be traveling from all over the country for this premier property insurance claim education event.

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Our Most Popular Property Insurance Claim Posts of the Year Part II

Our Most Popular Property Insurance Claim Posts of the Year Part II

In part 2 of our year in review, we learned from an Orlando couple that even the simplest property claim can quickly become complicated. We also got lots of reads on understanding what proof of loss is all about. Superstorm Sandy even reared its head again after we settled a 2 year battle to recover a fair settlement for a client. Life as a Public Insurance Adjuster never gets boring. Enjoy the rest of our popular claim posts.    

Got something you’d like us to write about next year? Let us know. A safe and Happy New Year to all!

Couple has Advice for Those Who Have Even the Simplest Insurance Claim

Proof of Loss Property Insurance Claim Requirements in Florida

Sandy Flood Claims Denied – Public Adjuster Wins Reversal 2 Years Later

Click to read more of the best posts of the year

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Our Most Popular Property Insurance Claim Posts of the Year Part I

Our Most Popular Property Insurance Claim Posts of the Year Part I

While this is the time of year to look back and count all our blessings, I thought we would share some of our most popular blogs of the year in case you missed them. How time flies! Do you remember the Polar Vortex and serious pipe burst claims of early 2014? How about the tropical storm that hit the Florida Panhandle and the terrible flooding it caused? In each one of these weather events, there is always something for property owners and even the most experienced public adjusters to learn about how to better handle insurance claims. Thanks to all our guest bloggers and fine public adjuster staff that shared their knowledge and contributed blogs this year.

A safe an happy holiday to all!

Broken Water Pipes from the Big Freeze “Polar Vortex” What a National Mess!

Policyholder Question: Frozen Pipe Burst Claim Dispute - Is it Time to Hire a Public Adjuster?

Ice Dams Frozen Gutters – Their Baaaack!  

Click to read more of the best posts of the year...

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Choosing the Right Public Adjuster Can Make a Difference in Your Claim Settlement

We recently handled a property claim involving a serious electrical fire in the home of a Clearwater Largo, FL family that caused significant fire, water, and smoke damage to the building and personal property. After being hired, the homeowner told us of a situation that is sadly becoming a recurring theme when fires occur. What we are referring to are the restoration contractors and public adjuster chasers who offer their services by bombarding the homeowners with confusing information and high pressure sales tactics.
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Connecting the dots on what might have happened to property insurance appraisal and those acting as appraisers in Florida

But first some background.  Steve Scott is a Gainesville, Florida attorney I have known for a number of years, which goes back to our first meeting when he called me to help him with a fire loss in his home. Following the successful adjustment and settlement of his claim, Steve and I became friends and that relationship has evolved over the years to the point that I get calls or emails from Steve on issues he has or claims his clients need help on. He’s a smart guy, has some strong opinions and will get your brain going! So I thoroughly enjoy our discussions.  What started our most recent conversation and debate was an email I received from Steve asking my opinion on a Florida Third District Court of appeals case Dynamic Public Adjusters vs. Henry Rodriguez  he had just read. This case came out in late November and was a turkey that was served cold to one side as you will read.
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Policyholders must beware of roofers and contractors acting as insurance adjusters

A rising problem that we in the public adjusting profession have been dealing with for years seems to finally have caught the attention of Florida officials. That is, the practice of insurance adjusting without a license by roofers and restoration contractors who sometimes are also unlicensed. A recent article, Illegal for roofers to act as insurance adjusters, experts warn perfectly illustrates the growing problem that takes advantage of homeowners who are in a stressful situation trying to repair their property and get a fair settlement. Hats off to Nancy Dominquez of The Florida Association of Public Insurance Adjusters who states, “when you have individuals or companies trying to convince homeowners that their contracting or roofing license permits them to handle insurance claims, that's incorrect. Not only is it incorrect, it's against the law.”

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"On Property" Insurance Claim Tips Blog

Tips and advice about how to properly file and protect your property damage insurance claim and get a fair settlement. We invite all readers to ask questions about their claim so our public adjusters can post answers for others to benefit. Insurance claim expert guest bloggers welcome to submit posts via our contact form.


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Tutwiler & Associates Public Adjusters, Inc.
Licensed Public Insurance Adjusters & Loss Consultants
Offices: Tampa, Orlando, Palm City, Ft. Myers, Florida; Dallas, TX; Pittsburgh, PA

Executive Office
4300 W. Cypress St.
Suite 780
Tampa, FL 33607
Phone: 813.287.8090
Toll Free: 800.321.4488

Licensed in Florida # W840088 &
Texas #1399706 plus 16 other states
and the Virgin Islands