Beware How Rising Construction Costs Due to Hurricane Damage Impact Your Insurance Claim Settlement

Beware How Rising Construction Costs Due to Hurricane Damage Impact Your Insurance Claim Settlement

Those who experienced any type of property damage from the severe hurricanes and file claims early are starting to hear back from their insurance company. Many will learn that the claim settlement amount(s) being offered are not sufficient to pay for their complete loss and damages. Specifically, as the demand for qualified construction workers, roofers, and building materials increase, so do the associated costs. This “supply and demand effect” will undoubtedly continue to impact those who sustained damage in a negative way for some time. 

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Policyholder Question – Challenging a Restoration Bill After a Fire

Policyholder Question – Challenging a Restoration Bill After a Fire

Q. We had a fire in our split-level duplex. The downstairs unit was a complete loss and the upstairs had smoke damage. Upon further inspection, the entire structure had to be brought up to code which totaled out the loss. The insurance company brought in a remediation company which still has a $4,000 bill outstanding for cleaning up the structure. Two builders say the structure should've been totaled immediately without any attempt for structural remediation. What are our options to challenge the remediation company's bill and claims?

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Policyholder Question – Submitting Your Own Insurance Claim Repair Estimate

Policyholder Question – Submitting Your Own Insurance Claim Repair Estimate

The following is an insurance claim question we answered for a policyholder through the United Policyholders Ask an Expert Forum.

Q. Can I have a repair estimate reviewed and a new estimate prepared based on the estimate sent by my insurance adjusters estimate? They have issued a check in the amount of this estimate, less the deductible. What should I do with the check?

A. Good question, I am sure many in your position have questions about the estimate prepared and submitted by their insurance adjuster. Please remember, this work product is just an "estimate." While the adjuster may have some actual contracting experience, more
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Will Your Hurricane Matthew Insurance Claim Offer be Sufficient to Cover Repair Estimates?

Will Your Hurricane Matthew Insurance Claim Offer be Sufficient to Cover Repair Estimates?
As policyholders begin to hear back from their insurance company, many will learn that the amount offered by their respective insurer is not sufficient to pay for their complete loss and damages. Some may even learn part of their claim is denied. This is common when there is widespread damage to a geographic area and especially true with more complicated commercial claims to businesses, condominiums and hotels where methods to fix or replace damage can become complicated. There can be many reasons for this including overworked adjusters either documenting specific damages or inside claim adjusters denying certain parts of a claim. 
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Winter Claims Already Impacting Construction Prices and Contractor Repair Availability

Winter Claims Already Impacting Construction Prices and Contractor Repair Availability

As I write this, I am sitting in LaGuardia airport waiting for a flight back to Florida.  I was called up to New York to meet with a prospective client who owns a building in Manhattan that has suffered structural damage due to a new building being constructed next door.   Florida’s tourism boom this year is apparent in New York; snow, ice, then freezing rain and back to snow with 6-8 inches predicted for the five boroughs of NYC.  Other parts of the country are predicted to get even more snow, then freezing temps. Clearly, northerners are flocking to Florida in droves trying to escape the brutal winter especially in the northeast. 

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How Emergency Contractors Can Hijack Your Insurance Claim

Action 9 News in Orlando recently did a story about a homeowner who experienced a water loss and quickly hired an emergency contractor who tore out the damaged portion of the kitchen and then kept the insurance proceeds without finishing the job. The conclusion of the report was to strongly recommend that folks that have an insurable loss not sign an all-inclusive right to proceeds contract with a contractor. 

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Beware Rising Construction Costs Due to Panhandle Flooding

Those in the Pensacola, Destin, Gulf Breeze and Ft. Walton Beach area who experienced any type of water intrusion from the severe flooding that hit the Panhandle are starting to hear back from their insurance company. Many will learn that the claim settlement amount(s) being offered are not sufficient to pay for their complete loss and damages.

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The 2014 Florida Legislative Session and the Insured Property Owners Bill of Rights Legislation

As we approach the midpoint for this year’s legislative session in Tallahassee, things are not looking good for a key piece of legislation championed by Chief Financial Officer, Jeff Atwater.  Briefly, his push for a policyholder’s “Bill of Rights” came out of a number of formal meetings chaired by the then DFS consumer advocate.  The meetings were held by an eclectic group of stakeholders who had an interest in the adjusting process ostensibly to air issues that policyholders were complaining about following a loss.

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Insurance Companies Using Preferred Contractors to Settle Claims Not in Policyholders Best Interest

Insurance Companies Using Preferred Contractors to Settle Claims Not in Policyholders Best Interest

A policyholder in South Carolina recently wrote us about a fire claim turned nightmare. When notified of a claim, insurance companies will sometimes send out their preferred vendor as a way to provide fast service but also to control costs and prevent the policyholder from hiring their own vendor, since they have contracted reduced rates with these vendors.

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"On Property" Insurance Claim Tips Blog

Tips and advice about how to properly file and protect your property damage insurance claim and get a fair settlement. We invite all readers to ask questions about their claim so our public adjusters can post answers for others to benefit. Insurance claim expert guest bloggers welcome to submit posts via our contact form.


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Tutwiler & Associates Public Adjusters, Inc.
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Suite 780
Tampa, FL 33607
Phone: 813.287.8090
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and the Virgin Islands