Windstorm Insurance Network Contributes to Hurricane Michael Relief

Windstorm Insurance Network Contributes to Hurricane Michael Relief

The Windstorm Insurance Network (WIND), an association that brings together both insurance defense and policyholder advocate professionals to connect, learn, and engage on important topics in the property/windstorm insurance claims industry, once again stepped up to assist with Hurricane Michael relief efforts. Below is the information related to the donation as posted by WIND. I’m proud of public adjuster and WIND President-elect Rick Tutwiler’s involvement and continue to be proud of the efforts put forth by all the officers and staff of this excellent organization who will hold its 20th Annual Conference January 30 – Feb 2 in Orlando.

WIND Community Outreach

Two months ago today, Hurricane Michael made landfall near Mexico Beach, Florida. We've all seen the unprecedented damage, death, and despair, and our hearts broke and continue to do so for the thousands and thousands forever impacted by this monster storm.

On Friday, WND presented the Northwest Florida Chapter of the American Red Cross with a $5,000 check to further assist in disaster relief efforts. President-Elect Rick Tutwiler and Executive Director Michelle Griffin met with the NWFL Executive Director, Jerry Kindle, and learned firsthand how ARC led the relief efforts. We had no idea that the NWFL Red Cross chapter hosted the longest running disaster relief shelter in the state of Florida, just under 60 days.

Thank you to our members and attendees for your support, which allows WIND to continue to help communities impacted by hurricanes and other natural disasters. Here's a look at WIND's first relief efforts in 2004, with Rick's dad, past president, Dick Tutwiler.

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Tutwiler & Associates Public Adjusters, Inc.
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