Hurricane Michael’s Insurance Policyholder Deductible Surprise

Hurricane Michael’s Insurance Policyholder Deductible Surprise

By now folks in Panama City and surrounding areas hit by Hurricane Michael, are finding out how little they are going to get paid for their insurance claim damages. Our office continues to receive calls and emails from policyholders seeking help and answers about their property insurance losses. Predictably, a lot of the frustration from policyholders is about the fact that their claim file was closed without payment due to a subjective opinion by adjusters the insurance companies.

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Hurricane Michael Insurance Claim Update – The Public Adjuster’s On-the-Ground Perspective

Hurricane Michael Insurance Claim Update – The Public Adjuster’s On-the-Ground Perspective

It’s been 1 month since Hurricane Michael roared ashore. My fellow adjusters and I have seen some horrific damage in the Panama City area and we plan to be there for the long-haul. Many policyholders are just starting to receive their insurance checks in the mail and much to their surprise, the settlement checks received are grossly insufficient and barely cover a fraction of what the true cost of repairs will actually be. We see this same scenario play out in every storm that we have worked over the years. 

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How to Deal with Hurricane Michael Low Insurance Claim Settlement Offers

How to Deal with Hurricane Michael Low Insurance Claim Settlement Offers

If the feedback we are getting on the ground in Panama City and the inquiries coming into our offices are any guide, policyholders are none too happy with the settlement offers they are receiving for their Hurricane Michael property damage claims. Most often we are told the offer does not remotely cover the cost of repairs based on estimates local contractors are providing.

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Condominium Association Challenge of Handling Hurricane Michael Insurance Claims

Condominium Association Challenge of Handling Hurricane Michael Insurance Claims

After a meeting with the Board President of a Panama City Condominium Association, I had the chance to follow-up with some recommendations for dealing with their insurance company adjuster and contractors that I would like to share with others who may benefit from the same information.  

First, keep in mind that the Board has a fiduciary responsibility to the both the Association members and to itself. The Board will need to assign someone to manage all aspects of the claim to the very finish.  Whether that person be an individual or a committee, ideally that person(s) would need to be qualified and competent to get the association through this burdensome process.  By no means will this be an easy process and given the magnitude of this catastrophic Hurricane. These claims can get complicated and many will not be amicably resolved their claims to their satisfaction.

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Additional Living Expenses Explained for Hurricane Michael Storm Damage Policyholders

Additional Living Expenses Explained for Hurricane Michael Storm Damage Policyholders

If your Florida home was severely damaged by Hurricane Michael to the extent that it is uninhabitable to live in, most insurance policies provide a coverage called “Additional Living Expense” or “A.L.E.” if it is a covered loss. Under the Additional Living Expense coverage, you and your family may be entitled to rent another home of the same size, like kind and quality as well as be reimbursed for any extra expenses you incur such as food and temporary lodging.

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Public Adjuster Offers Hurricane Michael Insurance Claim Tips

Public Adjuster Offers Hurricane Michael Insurance Claim Tips

Hurricane Michael has left thousands of residential and commercial property owners with insurance claims – a process they’ve never had to deal with before. Thanks to our senior public adjuster, Kevin Leisure for participating in a recent WFLA TV interview to discuss what people need to know about the property insurance claims process and what mistakes policyholders need to avoid making. Bottom line, property owners need to be patient but persistent with regards to their insurance claim and educate themselves. Our firm has already set-up an office in the Panama City area and we expect this will be a long process of recovery. Our adjusters are dedicated to educating policyholders and getting them the settlement they deserve in order to rebuild. See our Hurricane Michael insurance claims page for additional information. 

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Hurricane Michael Insurance Claims – A Public Adjuster Shares Some Commonsense Advice

Hurricane Michael Insurance Claims – A Public Adjuster Shares Some Commonsense Advice

Based on damage reports from our public adjuster staff who have set up an office in Panama City, there is no doubt this event will create insurance claim disputes unlike we’ve seen before. But first we want to commend the continued brave activities of the first responders and quick activities of the city officials. To deal with these perils it behooves property owners to keep their eye on the ball or in this case the money. High percentage hurricane deductibles are being applied and many folks may be surprised that despite their wind or hurricane coverage, they may be out of pocket for mitigation and replacement costs.

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Public Adjuster Interview - Some Insurance Claim Tips for Hurricane Michael Policyholders

Public Adjuster Interview - Some Insurance Claim Tips for Hurricane Michael Policyholders

I was happy to offer some quick insurance claim tips to Hurricane Michael property owners along with Scott Bedell from Master Restoration. We're already taking calls and our Panama City Public Adjusters will be establishing an office next week. Our prayers go out to all the affected residents. This is going to be a long haul and we'll see the same insurance claim issues as we've seen with other storms and I'm sure we'll see a few new twists. The insurance claim settlement challenges will be omnipresent and we'll be sharing our perspective on the developments has they happen along with some claim tips. Send us any of your questions about Hurricane Michael insurance claims so we can share them with our readers. Stay tuned!

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"On Property" Insurance Claim Tips Blog

Tips and advice about how to properly file and protect your property damage insurance claim and get a fair settlement. We invite all readers to ask questions about their claim so our public adjusters can post answers for others to benefit. Insurance claim expert guest bloggers welcome to submit posts via our contact form.


#HurricaneSally#law and ordinance50% ruleActual Cash ValueAdditional Living Expensesadjuster licensingAdjuster Michael PlattsApartment DamageAppraisalAssignment of BenefitsBad FaithBahamas AdjusterBankBest Public Adjusterblack waterBuilt to LastBusiness Interruptioncar crash into buildingCaribbean Public AdjusterCatastrophe InsuranceCeiling CollapseChattanooga tornadoCitizens Insuranceclaimclaim delayclaim denialClaim Paymentclaim settlementclaimsClaims AdjusterClaims Tipscollapse claimCommercial ClaimCommunity SupportCondo associationsCondominium ClaimsConsumer ProtectionContents DamageContractor EstimatesCovid ClaimDamage AssessmentDeductibledenied claimDepartment of Financial ServicesDepreciationDisaster Planningdock damagedorian adjusterElectrical damageelectrical fireFEMA FloodFIGAFirefire claimsFloodflood adjusterFlood claimFlood DamageFlood DamageFlood Damage RestorationFlood FilingFlood InsurancefloodadjusterFlorida Property InsuranceFlorida public adjusterfrank fortsonfrozen gutterfrozen pipesHail Damagehome Inventory ValuationHomewowners be AwareHurricanehurricane claimsHurricane DamageHurricane DebbyHurricane DorianHurricane EtaHurricane FlorenceHurricane HarveyHurricane HeleneHurricane HenriHurricane HermineHurricane IanHurricane IdaHurricane IdaliaHurricane IrmaHurricane LauraHurricane MatthewHurricane MichaelHurricane MiltonHurricane NicoleHurricane SallyHurricane Season 2018ice damageice damsindependent adjusterInspectionInsuranceInsurance AdjusterInsurance ClaimInsurance Claim TipsInsurance ClaimsInsurance CoverageInsurance LitigationInsurance PolicyInsurance Rate IncreasesInsurance RecoveryInsurance Reforminsurance settlementinsurance umpireJean Eagleshamlasthousestandinglaw & ordinanceLightning Damageloss adjusterLoss Assessormanaged repairMediationMike StabileMoldMold DamageMortgageNashville adjusterNashville public adjusterNashville StrongNashville tornadoNatural DisastersNFIPNick ChaseNorth Carolina AdjusterOrlando Public Adjusteroverhead & profitPanama City Public AdjusterPanhandle FloodingPensacola public adjusterPinellas TornadoPipe Burstpipe leakPittsburgh Claims AdjusterPittsburgh loss adjusterPittsburgh Public AdjusterPittsburgh tornadoplumbing leakPolicyholders Firstpollution claimPower Outage Insurance ClaimPreferred ContractorsPreLossPrivate Adjusterproof of lossProperty Damageproperty damage adjusterproperty insurance appraisalProperty Insurance ClaimProperty Insurance RatesPublic AdjusterRepairsresort insurance claimRestorationrestoration contractorRick TutwilerRoofRoof DamageRoof InspectionRoof RepairRoof ReplacementSandy FloodSarasota Public AdjusterSettlement CheckSewer Back-upSewer DamageShower leakSinkholeSinkhole AdjusterSinkhole ClaimSinkhole Damagesmoke damageSouth Carolina AdjusterSt. Augustine public adjusterStorm Damagestructural damagesubrogationSuperstorm SandySurplus Lines InsuranceTampa Public AdjusterTampa Tornadotemporary housingTennessee adjusterTexas Public AdjusterThe Last House StandingTheftThird PartyTornadoTornado adjusterTornado ClaimsTornado DamageTornado HelpTropical Storm ElsaUmpireunattended death claimVacation Home Damage ClaimVandalismWaterWater DamageWater LeakWINDwind damagewindstorm insuranceWindstorm insurance networkwinter stormZachary Flora

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Tutwiler & Associates Public Adjusters, Inc.
Licensed Public Insurance Adjusters & Loss Consultants
Offices: Tampa, Orlando, Palm City, Florida; Dallas, TX; Pittsburgh, PA

Executive Office
4300 W. Cypress St.
Suite 780
Tampa, FL 33607
Phone: 813.287.8090
Toll Free: 800.321.4488

Licensed in Florida # W840088 &
Texas #1399706 plus 16 other states
and the Virgin Islands