Citizens Insurance putting limits on water losses

Citizens Insurance putting limits on water losses

Citizens has changed the coverage in their policies for non-weather water losses. Now the limit is $10,000 unless you use one of their managed repair companies. Unfortunately, AOB abuse and the resulting spike in litigation have prompted these restrictions further putting the insured at risk and lessening the value of their coverage. Keep in mind that there will still be older policies out there that have not changed based on renewal dates. But going forward be aware of this limit for water losses with Citizens.

Also note that Citizens aggressively pursues questionable water losses. If you are a policyholder, make sure your claim is legit and don’t be pushed into a claim by an overly aggressive restoration company or public adjuster.

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Citizens continues to put $$ into defense lawyers coffers while losing $12.7 million sinkhole verdict

Citizens continues to put $$ into defense lawyers coffers while losing $12.7 million sinkhole verdict

Citizens Insurance is spending tons of policyholder premiums to pay its lawyer friends to fight these claims it clearly should be covering!! Citizens hit with a $12.7 million verdict, acted in monumental bad faith and as a result 500 people who own property in this community continue to suffer from a claim that has languished since 2007. It makes me wonder who is running this company, management or the attorneys?

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Water Damage Claims and the First 13 Days Court Decision

Water Damage Claims and the First 13 Days Court Decision

Several years ago, we started seeing property insurance policies with new very restrictive language that attempted to exclude water losses based on the subjective opinion of some as to when the water loss occurred and caused damages. It was my opinion that this 14 day limitation would be very bad for folks in Florida, as well as snowbirds who own property and only reside here six or so months a year.

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Hurricane Irma Insurance Claim Adjusting Practices Come Under Scrutiny

Hurricane Irma Insurance Claim Adjusting Practices Come Under Scrutiny

Hurricane Irma insurance adjusting practices in the Florida Keys are coming under scrutiny by the Monroe Country State Attorney. This information came to me via a short audio clip from a radio broadcast aired by US 1 Radio News that covers the Florida Keys. In this broadcast, you can hear Monroe County State Attorney, Dennis Swartz sharing his concerns about insurance company adjuster practices in dealing with policyholders who suffered losses from Hurricane Irma.

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Reflections from the 2018 Windstorm Insurance Network Inc. Conference

This year’s “WIND” conference in Orlando, Florida marks the 18-year anniversary that folks from all over the U.S. have gathered to network, learn, and in many instances, conduct settlement talks on active cases to resolve issues involving wind losses and other perils covered by property insurance. Without a doubt, this conference was very successful and well attended with a reported headcount of around a thousand professionals from various disciplines. However, I was somewhat surprised the attendance was not greater given what happened during the 2017 hurricane season. 

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Policyholder Question ā€“ How can I get the insurance company to expedite my claim?

Policyholder Question ā€“ How can I get the insurance company to expedite my claim?

The following is an insurance claim question we answered for a policyholder through the United Policyholders Ask an Expert Forum.

Q. I made several requests for different reimbursements after a fire for things like mileage, replacement of computer equipment, and laundry expenses. I made the request two months ago and provided all necessary documentation. This is taking way too long. What can I do?

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The Dreaded ā€œSā€ Word ā€“ Sewage Backup Insurance Claims

The Dreaded ā€œSā€ Word ā€“ Sewage Backup Insurance Claims

Sewage backup is damage public adjusters deal with more than I would like to admit. Without going into a lot of detail regarding the legal cases, (depending on the wording of the policy in question) if the backup is on the insured side of the property line or actually in a plumbing pipe on the premises, coverage for these losses should be covered under an all risk policy. Why all the litigation and confusion in the first place?  It would seem pretty basic that these losses would be covered as they clearly meet the insurance test of a sudden, accidental and an unintended event. A recent media story Home Flooded With Neighbors Sewage During Irma, regarding a client we represented highlights the problem.

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Is Hurricane Irma Boat Dock Damage a Covered Insurance Claim?

Is Hurricane Irma Boat Dock Damage a Covered Insurance Claim?

We are getting a number of inquiries from policyholders regarding damages to docks, piers and other manmade structures built over or close to the water as a result of Hurricane Irma.  Based on personal observations, Hurricane Irma caused unprecedented damage to coastal area structures from wind, water and in some cases, collapse and subsidence which were holding up seawalls and bulkheads. So what’s deal?  Are the docks, piers, seawalls, etc., covered by property insurance policies? 

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Additional Living Expenses Explained for Policyholders Displaced by Hurricane Irma Storm Damage

Additional Living Expenses Explained for Policyholders Displaced by Hurricane Irma Storm Damage

If your Florida home was severely damaged by Hurricane Irma to the extent that it is uninhabitable to live in, your insurance policy may provide a coverage called “Additional Living Expense” or “A.L.E.” if it is a covered loss. Under the Additional Living Expense coverage, you and your family may be entitled to rent another home of the same size, like kind and quality as well as be reimbursed for any extra expenses you incur such as food and temporary lodging.

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"On Property" Insurance Claim Tips Blog

Tips and advice about how to properly file and protect your property damage insurance claim and get a fair settlement. We invite all readers to ask questions about their claim so our public adjusters can post answers for others to benefit. Insurance claim expert guest bloggers welcome to submit posts via our contact form.


#HurricaneSally#law and ordinance50% ruleActual Cash ValueAdditional Living Expensesadjuster licensingAdjuster Michael PlattsApartment DamageAppraisalAssignment of BenefitsBad FaithBahamas AdjusterBankBest Public Adjusterblack waterBuilt to LastBusiness Interruptioncar crash into buildingCaribbean Public AdjusterCatastrophe InsuranceCeiling CollapseChattanooga tornadoCitizens Insuranceclaimclaim delayclaim denialClaim Paymentclaim settlementclaimsClaims AdjusterClaims Tipscollapse claimCommercial ClaimCommunity SupportCondo associationsCondominium ClaimsConsumer ProtectionContents DamageContractor EstimatesCovid ClaimDamage AssessmentDeductibledenied claimDepartment of Financial ServicesDepreciationDisaster Planningdock damagedorian adjusterElectrical damageelectrical fireFEMA FloodFIGAFirefire claimsFloodflood adjusterFlood claimFlood DamageFlood DamageFlood Damage RestorationFlood FilingFlood InsurancefloodadjusterFlorida Property InsuranceFlorida public adjusterfrank fortsonfrozen gutterfrozen pipesHail Damagehome Inventory ValuationHomewowners be AwareHurricanehurricane claimsHurricane DamageHurricane DebbyHurricane DorianHurricane EtaHurricane FlorenceHurricane HarveyHurricane HeleneHurricane HenriHurricane HermineHurricane IanHurricane IdaHurricane IdaliaHurricane IrmaHurricane LauraHurricane MatthewHurricane MichaelHurricane MiltonHurricane NicoleHurricane SallyHurricane Season 2018ice damageice damsindependent adjusterInspectionInsuranceInsurance AdjusterInsurance ClaimInsurance Claim TipsInsurance ClaimsInsurance CoverageInsurance LitigationInsurance PolicyInsurance Rate IncreasesInsurance RecoveryInsurance Reforminsurance settlementinsurance umpireJean Eagleshamlasthousestandinglaw & ordinanceLightning Damageloss adjusterLoss Assessormanaged repairMediationMike StabileMoldMold DamageMortgageNashville adjusterNashville public adjusterNashville StrongNashville tornadoNatural DisastersNFIPNick ChaseNorth Carolina AdjusterOrlando Public Adjusteroverhead & profitPanama City Public AdjusterPanhandle FloodingPensacola public adjusterPinellas TornadoPipe Burstpipe leakPittsburgh Claims AdjusterPittsburgh loss adjusterPittsburgh Public AdjusterPittsburgh tornadoplumbing leakPolicyholders Firstpollution claimPower Outage Insurance ClaimPreferred ContractorsPreLossPrivate Adjusterproof of lossProperty Damageproperty damage adjusterproperty insurance appraisalProperty Insurance ClaimProperty Insurance RatesPublic AdjusterRepairsresort insurance claimRestorationrestoration contractorRick TutwilerRoofRoof DamageRoof InspectionRoof RepairRoof ReplacementSandy FloodSarasota Public AdjusterSettlement CheckSewer Back-upSewer DamageShower leakSinkholeSinkhole AdjusterSinkhole ClaimSinkhole Damagesmoke damageSouth Carolina AdjusterSt. Augustine public adjusterStorm Damagestructural damagesubrogationSuperstorm SandySurplus Lines InsuranceTampa Public AdjusterTampa Tornadotemporary housingTennessee adjusterTexas Public AdjusterThe Last House StandingTheftThird PartyTornadoTornado adjusterTornado ClaimsTornado DamageTornado HelpTropical Storm ElsaUmpireunattended death claimVacation Home Damage ClaimVandalismWaterWater DamageWater LeakWINDwind damagewindstorm insuranceWindstorm insurance networkwinter stormZachary Flora

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Tutwiler & Associates Public Adjusters, Inc.
Licensed Public Insurance Adjusters & Loss Consultants
Offices: Tampa, Orlando, Palm City, Florida; Dallas, TX; Pittsburgh, PA

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Suite 780
Tampa, FL 33607
Phone: 813.287.8090
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and the Virgin Islands